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Sravya Vattem

Sravya Vattem


Accidentally invented Penicillin. Completed 14 expeditions to South Pole. Never eaten fries. Ardent reader (this one’s true). Writing keeps me sane. Fell in love with the smell of books at age 7. Great at UNO, not so much at writing bios.

Articles by Sravya Vattem

Falling Without A Parachute

The more I want to say, the less I want to speak. I should say something, but my words come off weak. I should say something, but what can I say that hasn't b

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments
Winning the Productivity Race in Quarantine

When the year began with rampant bush fires in Australia, an almost-triggered-the-world-war-3 magnitude conflict between the USA and Iran, and the tragic deaths

 Sunday, May 24, 20200 Comments
The 10 Year Challenge: Social Media

Welcome to the new age. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the world of social media. This a free world, and all the inhabitants have the right to assume an

 Thursday, January 16, 20200 Comments
His Name Was Nikola Tesla

Ever wondered who invented the remote controls? Neon lamps? Radio? Radar? Wireless communications? Built the first hydroelectric plant? His name was Nikola Tesl

 Thursday, October 17, 20190 Comments
Inside the Head of a Criminal Mastermind

[Trigger Warning] The following reading contains potentially distressing information about murders, violence, brutality and sadistic practices. The reader is ad

 Monday, August 5, 20190 Comments
Only a Matter of Time

There’s a famous quote that goes, “time and tide wait for none”. But what if I told you, that against common belief, time is not a constant but a relative pheno

 Wednesday, April 10, 20190 Comments
Godspeed, Oppy.

In 2004, NASA sent two rovers to Mars as part of its MER (Mars exploration program). The entire mission was planned to last 90 days. It lasted 15 years. The Ma

 Friday, March 8, 20190 Comments
Hello February!

Hello readers! As we settle into 2019, it's time to look back at all the broken resolutions and slowly come to terms with the fact that a whole month has alr

 Wednesday, February 6, 20190 Comments
2018 in innovation

Welcome to 2019. It’s going to be an interesting year, at least on the innovation front. The past year saw futurists watch their predictions come true much soon

 Wednesday, January 9, 20190 Comments
Real Men Don't

When a guy heads for the loo, he does so with a single purpose. Girls on the other hand, conduct gatherings, gossip sessions and exchange phone numbers. They en

 Thursday, September 13, 20180 Comments
Revival 2.0

The finality of death has often disrupted the human notion of negotiation, simply because life is non-refundable, unexchangeable and every customer is allowed o

 Monday, August 6, 20180 Comments
The Big Fat Cosmic Quest

Of all the secrets of the natural world explored by humans, the ultimate is the search for dark matter, a mysterious and invisible form of matter that many scie

 Thursday, April 5, 20180 Comments
The Post― An Ode to Journalism

One morning, when a 7000 pages official government document classified as ‘top secret-sensitive’ reached the staff of the Washington post, amidst deciding the s

 Friday, March 2, 20180 Comments
Choose the suitable option

Of all questions impregnated with ambiguity, one of the most baffling ones has to be the one that goes along the lines of “why are you the way you are?” and mor

 Thursday, February 1, 20180 Comments
Sankranti – harvesting crops, yield and positivity

A sharp ray of warm sunlight cuts through the darkness, ending the dominion of long, cold, wintery nights. Somewhere in between cool breezes and the rising sun,

 Wednesday, January 3, 20180 Comments
What the world would do without Google

A one word solution to almost any possible question, if you think Google is merely what you see on your home screen, then think again. It's more than just a com

 Friday, November 3, 20170 Comments
Should marijuana be legalized?

The concept of therapy has stuck around for centuries. To deal with ailments and to make humans healthy and happy, drugs have always been used. But it is only i

 Wednesday, October 4, 20170 Comments